If the project or the desired solution can be characterized as a "Multi Tenant LoB SaaS", then we are absolutely right choice. It is hard to find a more suitable long-term partner.
The TailoredSaas.com service is completely blurring the boundaries between landing pages, web portals and business applications. Each TailoredSaas solution can be any previously mentioned project and/or all in one.
The user interface can be prepared only for the operation in the desktop internet browser, mobile-only or combined which meaningfully combines the best of both worlds.
Your project can include previously existing data from highly different sources. TailoredSaas.com has direct support for all major SQL databases, and some document management NoSQL DB, and lots of other sources. If we do not support your database or other type of desired data source, our team will add support within two weeks.
All solutions which are developed within the tailoredsaas.com service, are multitenant. This means that the baseline of service is prepared in a way that you can use it for users of your organization, business entity or make it available to other business entities and their users. Number of users can scale up from one user from one organization all the way up to up to 7 or even 8-digit number of users from unlimited business entities.
If you choose to resale tailoredsaas.com solution to other organizations or business entities, we offer mass invoicing for end users. Selling price of service for the end users is also sellers decision. The business model in this case is simply "revenue sharing".
Even if your other business services, where you have collected the analytical data for invoicing in any external database, we can create a comprehensive solution for mass invoicing, including the dispatch of electronic invoices to addressees.
As part of providing services we can provide video tutorials for users of your tailor-made solution.
Implementation of the project may also involve the services of graphic design and video production.
Pre-developed modules enable us to quickly build specific solutions in the field of DMS (Document Management System) and EDI (Electronic Document Interchange). Alternatively, you can integrate our MyBizDocs.com service, which was also made within our TailoredSaas.com service.
We provide both B2B and B2C solutions. As stated above, all the solutions are already "multitenant" by default and have support for authentication and authorization with a high level of security.
We can develop machine to machine (M2M) solutions. Data can be read and collected from over than 250 sensors connected to smartphones. On variety of those devices we can execute triggers and actions at a sampling rate over 24.000 records per second and/or send them to the database server, where they are arbitrarily processed. The collected data are presented in your application or on your mobile device. Market of IoT devices is evolving rapidly so only only sky's a limit. If you have a good idea of the areas of IoT (Smart Cities, Smart Buildings... etc.), heath care, control or monitoring of device movement, elderly assistance or anywhere else where it is important to measure and collect and then process and display data. Submit your idea do not hesitate.
We guarantee an absolute discretion and security. Upon receipt of your specification, we grant you with a certified certificate electronically signed document that contains your entire specification and confirmation of exactly when the idea was received and ensuring material liability in respect of discretion and security of your ideas or specific know-how..
To lahko trdimo, saj smo v različne tehnologije vložili preko 80 človek-let dela in jih inovativno dopolnili ter povezali v globalno storitev. S pomočjo te storitve strokovnjake z različnih področij naučimo učinkovito načrtovati in izvajati LOB SaaS rešitve. Tako popolnoma spreminjamo dosedanjo prakso, ko usposobljeni informatiki izvajajo informacijsko podporo strokovnim procesom na področjih, ki jih strokovno ne obvladajo in se morajo nove stroke najprej naučiti oziroma jo vsaj toliko spoznati, da so sposobni razumeti potrebe naročnikov. Mi smo se zadeve lotili bolj učinkovito. Strokovnjake različnih strok naučimo uporabe inovativne tehnologije za načrtovanje in izdelavo SaaS storitev. To lahko storimo bistveno prej in uspešneje, kot lahko povprečen informacijski strokovnjak pridobi dovolj znanja iz strokovnega področja naročnika. Za vsak projekt sestavimo specifično multidisciplinarno projektno skupino oseb z različnim strokovnim znanjem, potrebnim za učinkovito izvedbo projekta, predhodno že usposobljenih za načrtovanje in razvoj LOB SaaS rešitev. Izkazalo se je, da so tako sestavljene projektne skupine, v katerih je informatikov praviloma manj kot 10%, bistveno učinkovitejše od skupin usposobljenih informatikov in analitikov, ki se projektov informacijske podpore lotevajo na danes standarden način.