Yes, you've read correctly.

You set the price and deadline

of your unique SaaS solution.

Project specific multidisciplinary team provides

working prototype free of charge.

You sign a contract only if you are satisfied with the prototype.

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Why can we offer such a unique form of cooperation?

Because TailoredSaaS is based on the third generation of innovative technology, which has been developed with great energy, knowledge and patience over the past few years. This technology enables a very effective way of developing and immediately publishing SaaS solutions to target users, while at the same time it enables the direct involvement of experienced experts from the field of the specific project.

Behind the service there is a wide network of specialized companies and experts from a wide range of areas already trained in our way of development. If your project touches the content area for which there are no qualified content experts yet, we will train them in much shorter time than a qualified IT expert can get acquainted with the secrets of a particular content.

That's why our human development resources are practically unlimited and that's why within the project you will normally communicate with a person who understands your profession, line of business and your desires and not with an IT tech.

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Suitable types
of projects

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10 steps to
your SaaS

Ten steps to your SaaS solution:


Specify the development and usage, price, date of production and add brief specification in one A4 document for your desired SaaS solution in the form at the bottom of the page.


To ensure your legal certainty, you receive the signature of an agreement (NDA), with which we accept full material responsibility to protect your business secrets and specific expertises.


Upload the detailed specification of requirements of the project. As material proof of submission, the specification will be electronically signed by qualified certificate and time stamped with the exact time of agreement, and returned to submitter.


When a project is approved by us, we will develop a free operable prototype and grant you test access.


You can test the prototype. If you are satisfied, you pay 35% of the project development cost.


You will gain access to the test version of your SaaS solution for 5 test users in previously agreed time frame.


Try out a test version of the solution. When you confirm at least 85% compliance with requirements of previously included specification, you will be charged another 35% of development price.


You get access to the final version of your SaaS solution in the required time frame for the desired number of users.


You pay the last 30% of the development price after actual production usage of your SaaS solution. Usage fee is billed by price provided in the specification and depends on the quantity of business entities and the number of their users.


Compliance between SaaS solution and given specification is guaranteed with one year warranty.

To lahko trdimo, saj smo v različne tehnologije vložili preko 80 človek-let dela in jih inovativno dopolnili ter povezali v globalno storitev. S pomočjo te storitve strokovnjake z različnih področij naučimo učinkovito načrtovati in izvajati LOB SaaS rešitve. Tako popolnoma spreminjamo dosedanjo prakso, ko usposobljeni informatiki izvajajo informacijsko podporo strokovnim procesom na področjih, ki jih strokovno ne obvladajo in se morajo nove stroke najprej naučiti oziroma jo vsaj toliko spoznati, da so sposobni razumeti potrebe naročnikov. Mi smo se zadeve lotili bolj učinkovito. Strokovnjake različnih strok naučimo uporabe inovativne tehnologije za načrtovanje in izdelavo SaaS storitev. To lahko storimo bistveno prej in uspešneje, kot lahko povprečen informacijski strokovnjak pridobi dovolj znanja iz strokovnega področja naročnika. Za vsak projekt sestavimo specifično multidisciplinarno projektno skupino oseb z različnim strokovnim znanjem, potrebnim za učinkovito izvedbo projekta, predhodno že usposobljenih za načrtovanje in razvoj LOB SaaS rešitev. Izkazalo se je, da so tako sestavljene projektne skupine, v katerih je informatikov praviloma manj kot 10%, bistveno učinkovitejše od skupin usposobljenih informatikov in analitikov, ki se projektov informacijske podpore lotevajo na danes standarden način.

It all starts with the first step...

Usage cost:

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